神鸟电子书 > 耽美同人电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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And He Jin obeyed her wish。 He explained to his party; saying; 〃The real offender; Jian Shuo; has met his fate; and his clan will be punished。 But we need not exterminate the whole party nor injure his colleagues。〃
〃Slay them; root and branch;〃 cried Yuan Shao; 〃or they will ruin you!〃
〃I have decided;〃 said He Jin; coldly。 〃Say no more。〃
Within a few days He Jin became Chair of the Secretariat; and his associates received high offices。
Now Empress Dong summoned the eunuch Zhang Rang and his party to a council。
Said she; 〃It was I who first brought forward the sister of He Jin。 Today her son is on the throne; and all the officials are her friends; and her influence is enormous。 What can we do?〃
Zhang Rang replied; 〃Your Highness should administer the state from 'behind the veil'; create the late Emperor's son Liu Xian a prince; give your brother; the Imperial Uncle Dong Chong; a high rank; and place him over the army; and use us。 That will do it。〃

'e' General of the Flying Cavalry was the second highest military office; just below Regent Marshal; and of the same rank as General of the Flying Chariots。
'e' Empress Lu was wife of Liu Bang; the Han Founder。 After Liu Bang's death; she held imperial authority。 She appointed members of her own family to highly important positions of state and clearly hoped to substitute her own family for the reigning Liu family。 But these plans were frustrated on her death (BC 180)。 。。。。。
Empress Dong approved。 Next day she held a court and issued an edict in the sense proposed。 She made Liu Xian Prince of Chenliu and Dong Chong General of the Flying Cavalry*; and she allowed the eunuchs again to participate state affairs。
When Empress He saw this; she prepared a banquet to which she invited her rival Empress Dong。
In the middle of the feast; when all were well warmed with wine; Empress He rose and offered a cup to her guest; saying; 〃It is not fitting that we two should meddle in state affairs。 In the beginning of the Han Dynasty; when Empress Lu laid hands upon the government; all her clans were put to death*。 We ought to remain content; immured in our palaces; and leave state affairs to the state officials。 That would be well for the country; and I trust you will act thus。〃
But Empress Dong only got angry; saying; 〃You poisoned Lady Wang out of jealousy。 Now; relying upon the fact that your son sits on the throne and that your brother is powerful; you speak these wild words。 I will mand that your brother be beheaded; and that can be done as easily as I turn my hand!〃
Empress He in her turn became wroth and said; 〃I tried to persuade you with fair words。 Why get so angry?〃
〃You low born daughter of a butcher; what do you know of offices?〃 cried Empress Dong。
And the quarrel waxed hot。
The eunuchs persuaded the ladies to retire。 But in the night Empress He summoned her brother into the Palace and told him what had occurred。 He went out and took counsel with the principal officers of state。 Next morning a court was held and a memorial was presented; saying:
〃Empress Dong; being the foster mother of Liu Xian; Prince of Chenliu; a regional prince………only a collateral………cannot properly occupy any part of the Palace。 She is to be removed into her original fief of Hejian and is to depart immediately。〃
And while they sent an escort to remove Empress Dong; a strong guard was placed about the Imperial Uncle Dong Chong's dwelling。 They took away his seal of office and he; knowing this was the end; killed himself in his private apartments。 His dependents; who wailed his death; were driven off by the guards。
The eunuchs Zhang Rang and Duan Gui; having lost their patroness; sent large gifts to He Jin's younger brother; He Miao; and his mother; Lady Wuyang; and thus got them to put in a good word to Empress He so as to gain her protection。 And so they gained favor once more at court。

'e' A burial place of court officials and royal families。
In the sixth month of that year; the secret emissaries of He Jin poisoned Empress Dong in her residence in the country。 Her remains were brought to the capital and buried in Wen Tombs*。 He Jin feigned illness and did not attend the funeral。
mander Yuan Shao went one day to see He Jin; saying; 〃The two eunuchs; Zhang Rang and Duan Gui; are spreading the report outside that you has caused the death of the late empress and is aiming at the throne。 This is an excuse for you to destroy them。 Do not spare them this time; or you will pay like Dou Wu and Chen Fan; who in the previous reign missed their chance because the secret had not been kept; and they paid by their own deaths。 Now you and your brother have many manders and officers behind; so that the destruction of the eunuchs can be but an ease。 It is a heaven…sent opportunity。 Delay no further!〃
But He Jin replied; 〃Let me think it over。〃
He Jin's servants overheard the discussion and secretly informed the intended victims; who sent further gifts to the younger brother He Miao。
Corrupted by these; He Miao went in to speak with his sister Empress He and said; 〃The General is the chief support of the new Emperor; yet he is not gracious and merciful but thinks wholly of slaughter。 If he slays the eunuchs without cause; it may bring about revolution。〃
Soon after He Jin entered and told her of his design to put the eunuchs to death。
She argued with him; 〃Those officials look after palace affairs and are old servants。 To kill the old servants just after the death of their master would appear disrespectful to the dynasty's ancestral temple。〃
And as He Jin was of a vacillating mind; he murmured assent and left her。
〃What about it?〃 said Yuan Shao on meeting him。
〃She will not consent。 What can be done?〃
〃Call up an army and slay them。 It is imperative。 Never mind her consent!〃
〃That is an excellent plan;〃 said He Jin。 And he sent orders all round to march soldiers to the capital。
But Secretary Chen Lin objected; 〃Nay! Do not act without due consideration。 The proverb says 'To cover the eyes and snatch at swallows is to fool oneself。' If in so small a matter you cannot attain your wish; what of great affairs? Now by virtue of the emperor and with the army under your hand; you are like prancing tiger and soaring dragon: You may do as you please。 To use such enormous powers against the eunuchs would bring victory as easily as lighting up a furnace to burn a hair。 Only act promptly: Use your powers and smite at once; and all the empire will be with you。 But to summon forces to the capital; to gather many bold warriors into one spot; each with different schemes; is to turn our weapons against our own person; to place ourselves in the power of another。 Nothing but failure can e of it; and havoc will ensue。〃
〃The view of a mere book…worm;〃 said He Jin with a smile。
Then one of those about He Jin suddenly clapped his hands; laughing; 〃Solving this issue is as easy as turning over one's hand! Why so much talk?〃
The speaker was Cao Cao。

Wouldst thou withdraw wicked people from thy prince's side;
Then seek counsel of the wise people of the state。

What Cao Cao said will be disclosed in later chapters。
 Main Next to Chapter 3 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 3
 Chapter 3
In Wenming Garden; Dong Zhuo Denounces Ding Yuan;
With Red Hare; Li Su Bribes Lu Bu。
What Cao Cao said was this: 〃The eunuch evil is of very old standing; but the real cause of the present trouble is in the improper influence allowed them by the emperors and the misplaced favoritism they have enjoyed。 But a gaoler would be ample force to employ against this kind of evil; and getting rid of the main culprits is quite enough。 Why increase confusion by summoning troops from the regions? Any desire to slay all of them will speedily bee known; and the plan will fail。〃
〃Then; Cao Cao; you have some scheme of your own to further;〃 said He Jin with a sneer。
Cao Cao left the meeting; proclaiming; 〃The one who throws the world into chaos is He Jin!〃
Then He Jin sent swift; secret letters far and wide to several bases。
It must be recalled that Dong Zhuo had failed in his attempt to destroy the Yellow Scarves rebellion。 He would have been punished if he had not bribed the Ten Eunuchs heavily for their protection。 

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