神鸟电子书 > 耽美同人电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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But Cao Cao made equal to the occasion。 One day; seeing his uncle ing; he fell to the ground in a pretended fit。 The uncle alarmed ran to tell his father; who came; and there was the youth in most perfect health。
〃But your uncle said you were in a fit。 Are you better?〃 said his father。
〃I have never suffered from fits or any such illness;〃 said Cao Cao。 〃But I have lost my uncle's affection; and he has deceived you。〃
Thereafter; whatever the uncle might say of his faults; his father paid no heed。 So the young man grew up licentious and uncontrolled。
A man of the time named Qiao Xuan said to Cao Cao; 〃Rebellion is at hand; and only a man of the greatest ability can succeed in restoring tranquillity。 That man is yourself。〃
And He Yong of Nanyang said of him; 〃The dynasty of Han is about to fall。 He who can restore peace is this man and only he。〃
Cao Cao went to inquire his future of a wise man of Runan named Xu Shao。
〃What manner of man am I?〃 asked Cao Cao。
The seer made no reply; and again and again Cao Cao pressed the question。
Then Xu Shao replied; 〃In peace you are an able subject; in chaos you are a crafty hero!〃
Cao Cao greatly rejoiced to hear this。

'e' One of the Ten Regular Attendants
Cao Cao graduated at twenty and earned a reputation of piety and integrity。 He began his career as manding Officer in a county within the Capital District。 In the four gates of the city he guarded; he hung up clubs of various sorts; and he would punish any breach of the law whatever the rank of the offender。 Now an uncle of Eunuch Jian Shuo* was found one night in the streets with a sword and was arrested。 In due course he was beaten。 Thereafter no one dared to offend again; and Cao Cao's name became heard。 Soon he became a magistrate of Dunqiu。
At the outbreak of the Yellow Scarves; Cao Cao held the rank of General and was given mand of five thousand horse and foot to help fight at Yingchuan。 He just happened to fall in with the newly defeated rebels whom he cut to pieces。 Thousands were slain and endless banners and drums and horses were captured; together with huge sums of money。 However; Zhang Ba and Zhang Lian got away; and after an interview with Huangfu Song; Cao Cao went in pursuit of them。
Meanwhile Liu Bei and his brothers were hastening toward Yingchuan; when they heard the din of battle and saw flames rising high toward the sky。 But they arrived too late for the fighting。 They saw Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun to whom they told the intentions of Lu Zhi。
〃The rebel power is quite broken here;〃 said the manders; 〃but they will surely make for Guangzong to join Zhang Jue。 You can do nothing better than hasten back。〃
The three brothers thus retraced their steps。 Half way along the road they met a party of soldiers escorting a prisoner in a cage…cart。 When they drew near; they saw the prisoner was no other than Lu Zhi; the man they were going to help。 Hastily dismounting; Liu Bei asked what had happened。
Lu Zhi explained; 〃I had surrounded the rebels and was on the point of smashing them; when Zhang Jue employed some of his supernatural powers and prevented my victory。 The court sent down Eunuch Zhuo Feng to inquire into my failure; and that official demanded a bribe。 I told him how hard pressed we were and asked him where; in the circumstances; I could find a gift for him。 He went away in wrath and reported that I was hiding behind my ramparts and would not give battle and that I disheartened my army。 So I was superseded by Dong Zhuo; and I have to go to the capital to answer the charge。〃
This story put Zhang Fei into a rage。 He was for slaying the escort and setting free Lu Zhi。 But Liu Bei checked him。
〃The government will take the due course;〃 said Liu Bei。 〃You must not act hastily!〃
And the escort and the three brothers went two ways。
It was useless to continue on that road to Guangzong; so Guan Yu proposed to go back to Zhuo; and they retook the road。 Two days later they heard the thunder of battle behind some hills。 Hastening to the top; they beheld the government soldiers suffering great loss; and they saw the countryside was full of Yellow Scarves。 On the rebels' banners were the words Zhang Jue the Lord of Heaven written large。
〃We will attack this Zhang Jue!〃 said Liu Bei to his brothers; and they galloped out to join in the battle。
Zhang Jue had worsted Dong Zhuo and was following up his advantage。 He was in hot pursuit when the three brothers dashed into his army; threw his ranks into confusion; and drove him back fifteen miles。 Then the brothers returned with the rescued general to his camp。
〃What offices have you?〃 asked Dong Zhuo; when he had leisure to speak to the brothers。
〃None;〃 replied they。
And Dong Zhuo treated them with disrespect。 Liu Bei retired calmly; but Zhang Fei was furious。
〃We have just rescued this menial in a bloody fight;〃 cried Zhang Fei; 〃and now he is rude to us! Nothing but his death can slake my anger。〃
Zhang Fei stamped toward Dong Zhuo's tent; holding firmly a sharp sword。

As it was in olden time so it is today;
The simple wight may merit well;
Officialdom holds sway;
Zhang Fei; the blunt and hasty;
Where can you find his peer?
But slaying the ungrateful would
Mean many deaths a year。

Dong Zhuo's fate will be unrolled in later chapters。
 Main Next to Chapter 2 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 2
 Chapter 2
Zhang Fei Whips The Government Officer;
He Jin Plots To Kill The Eunuchs。
Dong Zhuo was born in the far northwest at Lintao in the West Valley Land。 As the governor of Hedong; Dong Zhuo himself was arrogant and overbearing。 But the day he had treated Liu Bei with contumely had been his last; had not Liu Bei and Guan Yu restrained their wrathful brother Zhang Fei。
〃Remember he has the government mission;〃 said Liu Bei。 〃Who are we to judge and slay?〃
〃It is bitter to take orders from such a wretch。 I would rather slay him! You may stay here if you wish to; but I will seek some other place;〃 said Zhang Fei。
〃We three are one in life and in death; there is no parting for us。 We will all go hence。〃
So spoke Liu Bei; and his brother was satisfied。 Wherefore all three set out and lost no time in traveling until they came to Zhu Jun; who received them well and accepted their aid in attacking Zhang Ba。 At this time Cao Cao had joined himself to Huangfu Song; and they were trying to destroy Zhang Lian; and there was a great battle at Quyang。
Zhang Ba was manding some eighty thousand troops。 The rebel had led his army to a strong position in the rear of the hills。 An attack being decided upon; Liu Bei was the van leader。 On the rebel side a general of Zhang Ba; Gao Sheng; came out to offer battle。 Liu Bei sent Zhang Fei to smite Gao Sheng。 Out rode Zhang Fei at full speed; his spear ready set。 After a few bouts Zhang Fei wounded Gao Sheng; who was unhorsed。 At this Liu Bei signaled the main army to advance。
Then Zhang Ba; while still mounted; loosened his hair; grasped his sword; and uttered his incantations。 Thereupon began the wind to howl and the thunder to roll; while a dense black cloud from the heavens settled upon the field。 And therein seemed to be horsemen and footmen innumerable; who swept to attack the imperial troops。 Fear came upon them; and Liu Bei led off his troops; but they were in disorder and returned defeated。
Zhu Jun and Liu Bei considered the matter。
〃Zhang Ba uses magic;〃 said Zhu Jun。 〃Tomorrow; then; will I prepare counter magic in the shape of the blood of slaughtered swine and goats。 This blood shall be sprinkled upon their hosts from the precipices above by soldiers in ambush。 Thus shall we be able to break the power of their shamanic art。〃
So it was done。 Guan Yu and Zhang Fei took each a thousand troops and hid them on the high cliffs behind the hills; and they had a plentiful supply of the blood of swine and goats and all manners of filthy things。 And so next day; when the rebels with fluttering banners and rolling drums came out to challenge; Liu Bei rode forth to meet them。 At the same moment that the armies met; again Zhang Ba began his magic and again the elements began to struggle together。 Sand flew in clouds; pebbles were swept along the ground; black masses of vapor filled the sky; and

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