神鸟电子书 > 耽美同人电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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ed bearing an invitation to a banquet in the Palace。 Sun Chen rose from his couch; and; as he did so; fell flat on the ground as though he had been pushed from behind。 This accident troubled him; and he felt apprehensive; so he called half a score of his trusty guards to act as his escort to the Palace。
As he was leaving home; his family besought him not to go out; saying; 〃The storm last night and the fall this morning are fearful omens。 You should not go to that banquet。〃
However; he made light of their fears and said; 〃My brothers are holding the army。 Who will dare e near me? But if there is anything amiss; you just give a fire signal from the Prime Minister's residence。〃
So Sun Chen took his seat; and the carriage set out。 When he reached the court; the Ruler of Wu rose from his place to wele him; and at table Sun Chen sat in the seat of honor。 The banquet proceeded。
〃There is a fire outside: What does that mean?〃 said a guest presently。
Sun Chen rose to go out; but the Ruler of Wu said; 〃There is no danger; and there are plenty of soldiers outside to take care of that。〃
Just at that moment Zhang Bu entered at the head of thirty armed guards。 He rushed up the banquet chamber; shouting; 〃I hold a mand to slay the rebel Sun Chen!〃

'e' Jiaozhou was a deep…south region; which is now northern Vietnam。
Instantly the Prime Minister was seized。 He fell prostrate before the Ruler of Wu; knocking his head on the ground and crying; 〃Spare my life! Exile me to Jiaozhou*; where I will do plow work。〃
〃Did you exile any of your victims………Teng Yin; Lu Ju; Wang Chun; and others?〃 said the Ruler of Wu; angrily。
The order went forth to carry out the execution; and Sun Chen was hustled out and put to death。 No single person of his servants raised a hand to help him。
Then Zhang Bu read an edict: 〃Sun Chen is the only culprit; and no other will be questioned。〃
Then at Zhang Bu's request; the Ruler of Wu went up on the Tower of the Five Phoenixes。 Zhang Bu; Wei Miao; and Shi Shuo brought the brothers of the Prime Minister before Sun Xiu; and he condemned them to death。 After this their families were slain; so that many hundreds suffered death。 Not content with all these things; the tomb of Sun Jun was broken open and his corpse beheaded。
Magnificent tombs were raised to his victims………Zhuge Ke; Teng Yin; Lu Ju; Wang Chun; and others。 Thus at last loyalty was rewarded; and the banished were permitted to return home with full pardon。 The conspirators were rewarded。
News of this revolution was sent into Chengdu; and the Latter Ruler sent an envoy into Wu with felicitations。 In return; the Ruler of Wu sent Xue Xu as his envoy to Shu。
When Xue Xu returned; the Ruler of Wu questioned about affairs in the west; and Xue Xu said; 〃All affairs of state are in the hands of a certain eunuch named Huang Hao; and all the courtiers look up to him as to a father。 At court plain truth is never heard; and the country people look sallow and starved。 The whole country appears on the verge of destruction。 The birds on the roof do not know that the building is about to be burned。〃
〃Ah ! If only Zhuge Liang the Martial Lord was still alive………how different all would be!〃 said Sun Xiu; with a sigh。
Letters were prepared saying that beyond doubt Sima Zhao intended usurpation; and when that came about in Wei; both Wu and Shu would be invaded。 Wherefore both should be ready。
On the arrival of these letters; Jiang Wei hastened to seek permission to attempt another expedition。 Consent being given; a large army marched into Hanzhong in the winter of the first year of Wonderful Sight (AD 258)。 Liao Hua and Zhang Yi were appointed Leaders of the Van; Wang Han and Jiang Bin as manders of the Left Army; and Jiang Shu and Fu Qian as manders of the Right Army; while Jiang Wei and Xiahou Ba led the main column。
Asked what he thought should be the first objective; Xiahou Ba replied; 〃There is no better fighting ground than Qishan; as the tactics of the late Prime Minister made evident; and it is the only good exit。〃
So thither three armies marched; and they made three camps at the entrance to the valley。 At this time Deng Ai had a training camp at Qishan drilling the Longyou troops。
The scouts told him: 〃The Shu army have pitched three camps in the valley。〃
He ascended a hill to see and verify their reports。 He seemed pleased when he saw the enemy camp。
〃They have just done as I foresaw;〃 said Deng Ai。
Now Deng Ai had carefully considered the topography of the countryside; and so had not interfered with the Shu army when it was on the march or settling into camp。 Moreover; he had excavated a subterranean road to the spot where he had thought they would halt; and their left camp had been pitched just on it。 Wang Han and Jiang Bin manded in that camp。
Deng Ai called his son Deng Zhong and Shi Zuan and sent them with ten thousand troops each to attack the left camp; one on each flank。 Then he sent Zheng Lun and five hundred troops into the underground road; which opened in rear of the camp of Wang Han and Jiang Bin。
As the newly made camp was not yet well fortified; Wang Han and Jiang Bin exercised great care and kept their troops under arms all night; watching with vigilance。 So when the alarm was given; they had but to seize their weapons and go out。 But as the two leaders were mounting their steeds; Deng Zhong and Shi Zuan had attacked from without; and Zheng Lun from within。 Thus attacked from three sides; soon Wang Han and Jiang Bin found the position untenable and fled。
When Jiang Wei saw that his left camp had been attacked on three sides; he mounted and took his position in front of the center camp。
〃Let no one move on pain of death!〃 he shouted。 〃Stand still。 When the enemy approaches; shoot!〃
The right camp was ordered to stand fast。 His defense was effective。 A dozen of times the troops of Wei came forward; only to be driven back before the arrows and bolts of the defenders。 Daylight found the Shu camps still firm; and the Wei troops drew off。
〃Jiang Wei has indeed learned of Zhuge Liang;〃 said Deng Ai。 〃His soldiers stood the night attack without flinching; and the leaders took the chances of battle quite calmly。 He is able。〃
Next day; when Wang Han and Jiang Bin went to confess their fault; Jiang Wei said; 〃It was less your fault than mine; for I did not clearly recognize the nature of the terrain。〃
So no penalty was inflicted。 The camp was made stronger; and the subterranean passage was filled with the bodies of the slain。
A challenge to battle for the following day was sent to Deng Ai; who accepted it joyfully。
Next day the two armies were arrayed in front of the Qishan Mountains。 The troops of Shu arrayed according to the 〃Eight Formations〃 designed by Zhuge Liang; which are called Heaven; Earth; Wind; Cloud; Bird; Serpent; Dragon; and Tiger。 While the maneuver was in progress; Deng Ai recognized it as the Eight Gates Formation and placed his troops accordingly。
Jiang Wei then gripped his spear and rode out; saying; 〃You have made a good imitation of my eight; but can you work variations?〃
〃You call these yours! Did you think that you alone held the secret? Since I have made it; of course I know the variations。〃
Deng Ai reentered his ranks; gave the signal officers certain orders; and the eight gates were evolved in rapid succession into sixty…four gates。 Then he rode to the front again。
〃What of my evolution?〃 asked Deng Ai。
〃Not so bad。 Would you like to try a surrounding move with me?〃 replied Jiang Wei。
〃Why not?〃
The two armies moved in orderly ranks。 Deng Ai stood in the midst of his army giving the necessary orders。 Then the clash came; but his tactics did not grip。 Then Jiang Wei waved a certain signal flag; and his force suddenly assumed the form of a serpent coiled on the ground with Deng Ai in the center。 Shouts arose all about him; and Deng Ai could not understand what had happened and began to feel afraid。 Gradually the troops of Shu closed in upon him; and he saw no way of escape。
〃Deng Ai; you must surrender!〃 cried the soldiers。
〃Indeed a moment of pride had led me into the trap of Jiang Wei!〃 he sighed。
Suddenly from the northwest a cohort dashed in。 To Deng Ai's great joy they were soldiers of Wei; and they forced o

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