神鸟电子书 > 耽美同人电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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to Your Majesty's house and restore the dynasty。 Too long have I delayed to spread Your Majesty's sacred governance。 The world is evil and not in good case; and as I sorrowfully think it over and over; I am distressed as one in severe pain。
〃Rebellion began with Dong Zhuo; and all kinds of evils have spread abroad; cruelty and ferocity have bee rife。 Strong in faith in Your Majesty's sacred virtue and inspiring presence; many banded together to help。 The loyal exerted themselves to destroy the rebels; but others of them were smitten of heaven。 The fierce and the contumacious have been exterminated; and gradually rebellion has melted away。
〃Only Cao Cao now remains; too long unpunished。 He has arrogated to himself the authority of the state。 His wicked heart is very rebellious。 Once I; with General Dong Cheng; the State Uncle; conspired against him; but the plot was discovered and my fellow conspirator suffered。 Thenceforward I was a wanderer and my loyalty availed nothing。 It only allowed Cao Cao further license and liberty to do evil; till he dared even to acplish the death of the Empress and the destruction of her sons。 Although we might band together and form associations; yet; with all our energy; we had to recognize that we were too weak for war。 Wherefore the years passed and nothing was acplished。 In constant fear of destruction; we even fear more lest our duty to the state be forgotten。 Waking and sleeping we sighed; and our nights were times of anxiety。

'e' After Liu Bang's death; Empress Lu; Liu Bang's wife; held imperial authority。 She appointed members of her own family to highly important positions of state and clearly hoped to substitute her own family for the reigning Liu family。 But these plans were frustrated on her death (BC 180)。
〃Now my fellows consider that history has repeated itself。 They attach the utmost importance to the family and would manifest it with all their might。 Hereditary succession of rulers is still a principle。 The rulers of Zhou; taking the two preceding dynasties as models; strengthened its clan's position through all the states; and it reinforced itself with the support of the states of Jing and Zheng。 When the great Founder of Han came into his own; he ennobled his whole family with kingships and lordships。 Later; the dynasty had to issue a general mand throughout the whole of the nine regions in order to destroy the widespread Lu Family and to enhance the Liu Family*。
〃Now Cao Cao is an enemy of all rectitude; and his followers are all evil。 His treachery is manifest。 Since the members of the imperial clan are few and weak; the clan is not honored。 Having reflected upon the ancient models and being desirous of temporary alleviation; my fellows have made me assume the title of Prince of Hanzhong with the addition of Regent Marshal。
〃I have deeply considered these things。 If one receives kindness from the Throne and accepts the responsibility for a portion of the state and fail; then such a fault would only be made the more serious by holding high rank and thereby increasing the burden of reproach。 But my fellows have urged me; and they have convinced me that it would be right; and; should I refuse; the wicked will not be destroyed and the danger to the state will not be removed。 The temple of our ancestors is in danger; and the imperial prerogatives are failing。 A faithful servant; who in the day of tribulation can undertake a suitable policy whereby to preserve the dynasty; should not refuse his help at any cost。 Wherefore I have yielded and accepted the position for the glory of the state。
〃Humbly I think of such a title and its exalted position and the favor vouchsafed me; and I would endeavor to show true gratitude。 My anxiety is deep; for the responsibility is heavy。 I am as one on the brink of a great gulf。 I must surely exert myself to the utmost and encourage my armies and lead all disciples of rectitude; in accordance with the will of Heaven and as occasion serves; to smite rebellion so as to restore the dynasty。〃
When this memorial reached Capital Xuchang; Cao Cao was in the Palace at Yejun; and it annoyed him greatly。
〃How dare this mean weaver of straw shoes behave thus?〃 said he。 〃Now I swear that I will destroy him。〃
So he issued orders for the whole force of the state to go out against the two River Lands to wage fierce war with the new Prince of Hanzhong。
But a remonstrance came from the mouth of one man。
〃Let not the great Prince of Wei trouble himself to go on a distant expedition because of a temporary annoyance。 I can propose a plan of which the execution will need not the bending of a single bow; and yet it will make Liu Bei bring down disaster upon his own head。 When his army shall have bee exhausted; it will only be necessary to send one single general against him and victory will be ours。〃
Cao Cao looked at the officer。 It was First Secretary Sima Yi。
〃What is your exalted view; my friend?〃 said Cao Cao。
〃Sun Quan's sister is wife to Liu Bei; but Sun Quan has found an occasion to steal away the bride。 Liu Bei is in possession of Jingzhou still; and he and Sun Quan are bitter enemies。 Therefore send some able speaker with a letter to Wu to persuade the Marquis to send an army to recover Jingzhou。 That will draw thither all the armies of Shu; when you can send your army to Hanzhong。 Liu Bei will be helpless; and his strength will be wasted。〃
The scheme pleased Cao Cao。 He at once drew up a letter and sent it by the hand of Man Chong; who soon arrived in Wu。 As soon as Sun Quan knew of the mission; he summoned his advisers to consult。
Zhang Zhao said; 〃Wei and Wu are primarily enemies because of the dissension fomented by the words of Zhuge Liang。 We have been fighting for several years; and many lives have been lost。 Now this messenger has surely e to discuss terms of friendship; and he should be weled。〃
On the strength of this; Man Chong was well received and conducted into the city and into the presence of Sun Quan。 He presented his letters at the conclusion of the ceremonies of reception and declared his mission。
〃Wu and Wei have no fundamental quarrel; and their dissension has been brought about by Liu Bei。 My master sends me to covenant with you for an attack on Jingzhou; while he goes against Hanzhong。 This double attack being successful; the conquered regions can be divided between us two; and we can both swear to respect each other's territory。〃
Having read the letter; Sun Quan prepared a banquet in honor of Man Chong and then sent him to the guest…house to rest while he discussed the matter with his council of advisers。
Said Gu Yong; 〃Although the messenger's speech was all special pleading; it was correct in form。 I propose that the messenger be allowed to return and that a covenant be made with Cao Cao for joint attack。 In addition; let spies be sent over the Great River to find out Guan Yu's movements; and then we may act。〃
Zhuge Jin said; 〃I hear that since Guan Yu has been in Jingzhou; Liu Bei has found him a wife; who has borne him a son and a daughter。 The daughter is too young to have been betrothed; wherefore let me go to ask her in marriage with your heir。 If Guan Yu agrees; then we can arrange with him to attack Cao Cao。 If Guan Yu refuses; then let us aid Cao Cao in an attack on Jingzhou。〃
Sun Quan took this advice。 So he sent Man Chong away and sent Zhuge Jin to Jingzhou to try to arrange the betrothal。 Zhuge Jin was received。
When the time came to state the reason for his ing; Guan Yu asked him; 〃What have you e for; Zhuge Jin?〃
〃I have e seeking to ally the two houses。 My master; the Marquis of Wu; has a son who is quite clever。 Hearing that you have a daughter; General; I ask her in marriage; hereby the two houses may join in an attack on Cao Cao。 This would be an admirable result; and I pray you consider the proposal。〃
But the warrior flared up。
〃How can a tiger's daughter marry with a dog's whelp? Were it not for your brother; I would take your head。 Say no more!〃
Guan Yu called his servants to hustle forth the hapless messenger; who ran away with his hands over his head; too astonished to look anyone in the face。 And reaching his own place; he dared not hide the manner of his reception; but told the whole truth。

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