神鸟电子书 > 耽美同人电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页4000字

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She abused the four men to their faces so that they looked from one to another in shame。 And each in his heart thought; 〃Say what one will; after all they two are brother and sister and the Dowager Marchioness is the controlling power。 Sun Quan is most obedient and would never dare oppose his mother's decision。 When the reaction es; then indeed we shall certainly be found in the wrong。 We had better be kind。〃
Another thing was that one of the two they sought; Liu Bei; was not there and Zhao Yun looked angry and dangerous。 Finally; muttering to themselves; they gave way and with one accord retired and left the road open。 Lady Sun passed through。
〃We four will go to see the mander…in…Chief and report;〃 said Xu Sheng。
But that did not please them all; and they stood irresolute。 Presently they saw a column of troops sweeping down on them like a hurricane。 These were Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai with their pany。
〃Have you fellows seen Liu Bei?〃 they cried as they rushed up。
〃He has just passed along。〃
〃Why did you not arrest him?〃
〃Because of what Lady Sun said。〃
〃That is just as the Marquis feared; and so he gave us this sword and told us first to slay his sister and then Liu Bei。 And if we disobey; he will put us to death。〃
〃What can be done? They are far away by now。〃
Jiang Qin said; 〃After all they are but a few and on foot。 They cannot travel very fast。 Let Xu Sheng and Ding Feng go to Zhou Yu to tell him; and he can send fast boats to pursue them on the river while we follow up on the bank。 We must get them either on water or land; and we must not listen to what they say。〃
Whereupon two went back to report and four to the river bank。 Meanwhile Liu Bei had got a long way from Chaisang and reached Loving Shore。 He now felt calmer。 He went along the bank of the river seeking a boat; but there was no craft on the broad bosom of the stream。 He bowed his head in deep sorrow。
Zhao Yun bade him be of good courage; saying; 〃My lord; you have just escaped from the tiger's jaws and had not far to go。 Moreover; I suspect Zhuge Liang has something prepared for us。〃
But his master was despondent。 His thoughts were back to the pleasures he had enjoyed but a few hours since in the house of his wife; and the tears rolled down his cheeks。 A poem has been written on this episode:

By the bank of the deep flowing Great River
Once was a wedding;
And the ruling houses of two states yet to be
Were allied by marriage。
See the beautiful maiden stepping slowly
To the golden bridal chamber!
Yet was the marriage but a ruse。
Its author vainly imagined that a hero;
Sinking in amorous toils;
Would forget his high intent。

Liu Bei bade Zhao Yun go along the bank to seek some boats。 Then the soldiers told him there was a huge cloud of dust on the road。 Ascending one of the hills; he looked back whence they had e and saw the whole earth as it were covered with an advancing host。
He sighed and said; 〃We have fled before them now for days; worn out our soldiers and jaded our horses; and all to die in a strange place。〃
He watched the enemy ing nearer and nearer。 Then as things began to look most desperate; he saw a line of some twenty boats all in the act of setting their sails。
〃By good luck here are some ships;〃 said Zhao Yun。 〃Let us get on board; row to the further bank; and see what can be done。〃
Liu Bei and his bride hastened down the bank and went into a ship。 The soldiers were embarked。 Then they saw in the hold of the ship someone in Taoist dress。
That person came up with a smile; saying; 〃My lord; again you see Zhuge Liang。 He has waited a long time。〃
All the soldiers on board were from Jingzhou; and Liu Bei rejoiced at the sudden happy turn of affairs。
Before long the four pursuing leaders reached the bank。
Zhuge Liang pointed to them and laughed; saying; 〃I foresaw this a long time ago。 You may return and tell Zhou Yu not to use the 'Fair Damsel Trick' again。〃
Those on the bank sent a flight of arrows at the ships; but they were already too far away。 The four generals on the bank looked very foolish。
As the boats were sailing along; a great noise was heard on the river behind them; and there appeared a huge fleet of war ships; sailing under the flag of Zhou Yu。 He also was there in mand of the fleet; and he was supported by Huang Gai and Han Dang。 They seemed like a drove of horses and came along swift as a falling star。 They gained on the fugitives rapidly。
Zhuge Liang ordered the boats to row over to the north bank; and the party landed。 They had started off away from the shore before Zhou Yu could land。 Zhou Yu's marines; except the leaders; were all afoot; but they kept up the pursuit; following as quickly as they could。 Zhou Yu led the pursuit; closely followed by Huang Gai; Han Dang; Xu Sheng; and Ding Feng。
When Zhou Yu's force reached the borders of Huangzhou; Liu Bei and his party were not far away; and so they pressed the pursuit。 But there were only horses for a few leaders in front; and suddenly the rolling of drums struck Zhou Yu's ears; and from out a gully dashed a troop of swordsmen led by Guan Yu。 Zhou Yu was too surprised and unprepared to do anything but flee。
Zhou Yu fled for his life and Guan Yu pursued。 At different points Liu Bei's generals; Huang Zhong and Wei Yan; came out and attacked; so that the troops of the South Land suffered a great defeat; and Zhou Yu barely escaped。 As he came to the river and was going down into his ship; the soldiers of Liu Bei on the bank jeered at him on account of the miscarriage of his scheme; shouting; 〃General Zhou Yu has given Uncle Liu Bei a wife and has lost his soldiers!〃
Zhou Yu was so annoyed that he would have gone up the bank to fight again; but his generals restrained him。
He uttered; 〃My schemes are a failure and a defeat; and how can I face my master again?〃
All at once he cried aloud and fell back in a swoon。 His wound had reopened。 The generals came to his help; but it was long before he recovered consciousness。

Twice had he played his trick
And twice had he lost the game;
His heart was full of resentment;
He was overwhelmed with shame。

The fate of Zhou Yu will appear in the next chapter。
 Main Next to Chapter 56 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 56
 Chapter 56
Cao Cao Feasts In The Bronze Bird Tower;
Zhuge Liang Provokes Zhou Yu A Third Time。
The ambuscade into which Zhou Yu had fallen had been prepared by the orders of Zhuge Liang and was triple。 However; Huang Gai and Han Dang contrived to get clear and found refuge in the ships; though with the loss of many troops。 When Zhou Yu was in safety and looked about him; he saw Liu Bei and Lady Sun safely resting on a hilltop。 How could such a sight fail to put him in a rage? And with the access of rage; his wound; not yet healed; burst open once again。 He swooned and fell。 They raised him and his ship set sail。 Zhuge Liang ordered no pursuit; the southern fleet departed undisturbed; and Liu Bei proceeded to Jingzhou City; where were great rejoicings in honor of his recent marriage。
Meanwhile Zhou Yu had gone to Chaisang while Jiang Qin and those with him bore to Nanxu the sad tidings to Sun Quan。 He was angry beyond words; and his first thought was to send an army under Cheng Pu to take Jingzhou。 Zhou Yu also wrote from his sick bed urging his lord to take vengeance。 But Zhang Zhao knew better and said it could not be done。
Said he; 〃Cao Cao has never forgotten his defeat at the Red Cliffs; but he dares not attempt to avenge himself while the Sun family are friendly with Liu Bei。 If in any moment of anger you two fall upon each other; Cao Cao will certainly seize the opportunity and your position will be dangerous。〃
Gu Yong supported Zhang Zhao; saying; 〃Beyond all doubt Cao Cao has his spies here。 As soon as he hears of any rift in the friendship between the Sun and Liu families; he will desire to e to an understanding with the latter; and Liu Bei; who fears your power; will accept his offer and take his side。 Such an alliance will be a continual menace to the land south of the river。 No; the plan for the occasion is to secure the friendship of Liu Bei by memorializing that he be made Imperial Protector of Jingzhou。 This will make Cao Cao afraid to send any 

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